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Gwangmyeong Citizen Hall, a Cradle for Gwangmyeong City’s Culture and Arts

Completed in 1990, Gwangmyeong Citizen Hall is the city’s only complex cultural facility. The Citizen Hall has a performance hall with 530 seats and other specialized facilities such as an exhibition hall, a music practice room, a dance practice room and a multipurpose room. Gwangmyeong Citizen Hall, which has been loved by local artists and citizens, will take a leap forward to become the central platform for the city’s culture and arts by managing a systematic performance and management system with the help of experts.

Operating hours Mon.~Sat. 09:00 ~ 21:00 / Sun. 09:00 ~ 18:00
Closed days Mondays
Tel. +82-2-2621-8800
(Gwangmyeong Cultural Foundation)